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Float Like A Butterfly, Bite Like A Snake

A gripping neo-noir thriller starring Hudson Laycock and Charles AJ Griffin From First time Director/Writer Jordan Peace (JMC Academy)

Film Information & Plot

13min 48s
Film made while attending
JMC Academy
Blackmagic Ursa
Software Used
Premiere Pro
Other Film Equipment Used:
Titan Tube Lights, Dolly Kit, Zoom F8 Recorder, jib, boom, squib kit, gimble, sony lapels
Awards won
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Coming from the mind of first time Australian film student, Jordan Peace brings to screen a gripping neo noir thriller. Starring Hudson Laycock and Charles AJ Griffin in the lead roles, the main character "Butterfly" works for an underground crime syndicate and is on the last job of his lucrative contract with the mob boss "Wolf". InstruScreenshot 2024-01-15 143032.pngcted on his final mission before freedom, to complete a drug deal in the city's laundromat, where he links back up with his old friend turned foe "Snake", who has Screenshot 2024-01-17 170401.pnga revenge plot to kill Butterfly that night. Butterfly gets tipped off about the upcoming plot but must remain and reconcile with Snake to be able to complete the job and return to regular life. All rights reserved to Jordan Peace Productions and JMC Academy

Latest reviews

Excellent storytelling
Pros: The storytelling in this film is excellent and really helps build background to these characters, particularly the protagonist, the early reveal of the protagonist having a loved one makes his death far more meaningful to watch as the audience, I love that the film was interpretable from the title and the lovely call-back at the end
Cons: Overall an amazing film, the only con I picked up on was the continuity of the lighting, a lot of the closeup shots had harsh lighting on the characters face and when zoomed out the lighting would often disappear or change other then that an absolutely excellent job with this you should be really pleased with this!
The cinematography was very cinematic and film like, this really made it feel like a professional production rather than a student film, as I said before the only thing I would work on is the continuity of the lighting.
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Reactions: Phanuel_Kamael2022
Amazing work!
Pros: *camera quality is great and
*there are a lot of very creative shots
*the story is unique and intriguing
Cons: No cons from me.
The camera quality is great and there are a lot of very creative shots. The story is unique and intriguing, especially with the character names. I really enjoyed watching this.


An intriguing and captivating crime thriller with masterful tension and a suspenseful atmosphere, keeping viewers on edge throughout.

The film is beautifully shot with some high-quality production value, the lighting is gorgeous and perfectly crafted. There are a lot of noticeable issues with the sound mix however, with the foley often overpowering the visuals (footstep & gun sounds) as well as the dialogue being hard to hear at parts (I.e Phone Call). The accompanying score is great when it comes to building tension as it adds to the moody and dark nature of the film.

Overall this was a great watch and highly recommended.

Film information

Undergraduate Student Films
Added by
Jordan Peace Productions
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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