: I like the focus pulling in the film. And how sharp the film was. The depth of field was used really well in this film. Also the audio was clear and brought another element to the film.
: It felt like an experimental film. The story wasn't super complex or anything and didn't have any super interesting element or a twist. It just kinda was an ok film. I think there were way too many angles and shots for such a short piece.
I like the focus pulling in the film. And how sharp the film was. The depth of field was used really well in this film.Also the audio was clear and brought another element to the film.
It felt like an experimental film. The story wasn't super complex or anything and didn't have any super interesting element or a twist. It just kinda was an ok film. I think there were way too many angles and shots for such a short piece. But good job anyway!
It felt like you came up with the shots for the film when you got there so next time try to storyboard and write down shot ideas and find what best way to tell the story. Knowing how to run and gun is great but when you do that when you are trying to make a film, you end up shooting way too many takes and angles.
Good job and I think it looked good.
i love the A7sii. I have heard it is a great camera. It looks great. But you could try to start to color correct and color grade your footage and it will push your film to the next level. Trust me!Also your actor was a little cheesy. Cheesy acting is always hard to avoid but that will be less common when you get better at directing. I think doing little pieces consistently is a great way to get your name out and practice your craft. It really helps!also I'm so jealous of your 4k.