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What makes a film great?

Originally posted by Tina K:
What makes a film great is making Michael Bay leave his huge inflated ego at the door.

Funny you should say that, went to see his latest Transformers 3 and it was bad, very bad. Bad dialog, bad editing, bad acting (Chinese guy, not funny at all) Waste of my time watching this.
If you go watch transformer 3, it is to see cars, robots, and explosions. Anything else is just a not worth seeing. I went to watch 300 for the action, blood, and badassery... while my gf went to watch it for the half nekkid men and their 8 pack abs.
none of us went to watch it for storyline :P
ofcourse, 300 was very entertaining, but as what I mean about using 300 was mostly that it's an action film and story was never really meant to be the main standing point. Michael Bay just took action films to a newer low.
Originally posted by Mike_V:
ofcourse, 300 was very entertaining, but as what I mean about using 300 was mostly that it's an action film and story was never really meant to be the main standing point. Michael Bay just took action films to a newer low.

Agreed on that one. I just watched The Island and thoroughly enjoyed that movie. Where did he go so wrong with this one.
I believe Bay's more reserved approach to The island may be due to the fat that Spielberg was originally slated to direct the movie and Bay just took over the reins so to speak.
you know... for all the hype that comes with the HP series... I still have not had the chance to watch the last HP.... I need to drag someone to go watch it.. and if any of you spoil it for me, I will send an internet punch your way :P
Originally posted by Mike_V:
you know... for all the hype that comes with the HP series... I still have not had the chance to watch the last HP.... I need to drag someone to go watch it.. and if any of you spoil it for me, I will send an internet punch your way :P

You will NOT be disappointed. I was never into HP (always thought they were a little too young for my liking) However after watching them I have to say I am very impressed by what I have seen. Despite some of the wooden acting by Radcliffe.
The themes of the final Harry Potter were a lot more mature. So were the attitudes of the kids. There was genuine fear this time, less fooling around. It was all the better for it IMO.
any good film rests on 2 pillars. the first and most important is the story. the story/ script must be gripping from beginning to end. no padding/ filling. the story must stay believable from the beginning to the end. we all know that sci fi movies or time travel is not real but if the story is told in a believable way then we will accept it. this is called staying in character. perhaps you watched a movie with a high profile actor in it and then came out disappointed. that's because even the best actor can't make a bad script believable.
(if you don't believe me watch MAMA MIA with meryl streep in it)
so the second pillar and almost just as important are the actors. the actors must bring the story to life. they must be in total control of their emotions. the best actors don't actually act. they slip into their character and become that character. that's why they are so believable.
once script and actors are in harmony then sound and effects can be added.
of course we as short filmmakers do not have budgets to allow us to compete with hollywood films but one thing we can do just as well as the biggest hollywood productions. these are the 2 pillars.
writing a good script costs next to nothing and anyone can learn how to act.
here is one of my at attempts. i did this short almost 20 years ago on almost zero budget and without a crew and cast using my self as an actor. i did all 3 rolls.
What do you, as filmmakers, expect in other's works? What would make it stand out in an unique way, one that makes it memorable and great? Is it a good story? A good camera? Cinematography? You tell me.

I'm studying film and I'm trying to get a deeper insight of film as a whole.

You opinion counts, no matter what! Any answers will be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Contradiction. There are many things that I think make a good film but to make something new or something that stands out its my personal option that a good story must have something to say but also must say it in a way that's almost contradictory. Contradictions create narrative and interesting dynamic
I think a great film stands out because it deeply moves people and leaves a lasting impact. It has to combine a powerful story, outstanding acting, skilled direction, and technical excellence to create something truly memorable. It's not just watched; it's experienced and remembered, making us think and feel deeply, even long after it's over.
It's really hard to pick one thing that makes a film great because personally I would say one thing CAN'T make a film great but instead I think it is about finding a balance that connects each of the aspects that makes a film great. Take Fantastic Mr Fox as an example, the story was made by one of the all time great authors, Roald Dahl paired with one of the best visual story tellers, Wes Anderson; the two strengths really compliment each other and goes excellent together to make a very good film.

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